La Boutique Du Vin

Información sobre La Boutique Du Vin instancia de Odoo, el ERP de código abierto.

Aplicaciones instalados

De cotizaciones a facturas
Facturas y pagos
Seguimiento de clientes potenciales y oportunidades próximas
Sitio web
Constructor de sitio web empresarial
Gestione sus actividades de stock y logística.
Gestionar la contabilidad financiera y analítica.
Comercio electrónico
Venda sus productos online
Marketing por email
Diseñar, enviar y gestionar correos electrónicos
Cree y personalice sus aplicaciones Odoo
power bi Advance Connector
Auth Signup Cellars
Auth Signup Templates
Cellars Carousel
Cellars carousel Templates
Cellars Mailing Api
Cellars Mailing Api
Cellars Subscription
Cellars Subscription
Cellars Website Sale
Cellars Website Sale
Odoo Facebook Catalog Integration and Odoo Instagram Feed: Unlock the Power of Social Commerce
Advertise and sell products on Facebook Catalogue and Instagram Catalog | Data Feed | Data Import | Data Source | FB Product Catalog | Odoo Instagram Feed
Product Data Feed
Product Data Feed | Data Feed Manager
Odoo Google Merchant Center Product Data Feeds
Odoo Google Merchant Center Integration | Google Shopping | Google Feed | Product Data Feed | Free listings | Shopping ads | Odoo Google Shopping feed
Restrict Shipping Method - Hide Shipping
Shipping method restriction for Odoo Hide shipping options dynamically Streamline checkout process with shipping restrictions Date-based shipping restrictions Optimized shipping Custom shipping rules Dynamic shipping method hiding for clarity Time-sensitive shipping restrictions.
Odoo Google Consent Mode
Odoo Google Consent Mode | Google consent mode v2 | Google Consent Management
Odoo Facebook Pixel Integration
Add the Facebook Pixel event "PageView" to all website pages | Facebook Pixel Integration | Meta Pixel Integration | Website activity tracking
Odoo Google Tag Manager | Odoo GTM
Google Tag Manager - GTM script
Odoo Facebook Pixel Tracking | Facebook Pixel Integration in Odoo
eCommerce Facebook Pixel | Meta Pixel | Track Events | Website events tracking | Facebook Pixel Integration | Website Tracking | Add eCommerce events to product and category website pages
Website Gift Wrap
Odoo Website Gift Wrap adds the special feature of gift wrapping of the ordered products.
Odoo Google Analytics 4 eCommerce Tracking
Google Analytics 4 for eCommerce | GA4 Retail and Ecommerce Events
Website | eCommerce Tracking Base
Track Customer Actions on Odoo Website and eCommerce
Website Webkul Addons
Website Webkul Addons allows Odoo users to manage all Webkul’s Odoo website Related modules from single page.
Genera facturas recurrentes y gestiona renovaciones
Publique eventos, venda tiquetes
Chat, puerta de enlace al correo y canales privados
Centralice tu libreta de direcciones
Programa las reuniones de empleados
Marketing automatizado
Construir campañas automatizadas de correo
Cree encuestas y analice las respuestas
Envíos por USPS (United States Postal Service)

Localizaciones instaladas / Planes contables

Estados Unidos - Contabilidad
Reporte 1099
Exporte datos 1099 fácilmente para la declaración electrónica de impuestos con un tercero.
EE. UU. - Informes de contabilidad